Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Daft Things Men Do

One of my favourite shows at the moment (I can't wait for Season 7) is How I Met your Mother and of course my favourite is the awesome Barney Stinson. The supremely confident womaniser played by Neil Patrick Harris never lets anyone forget how awesome he is. 

The show may be about the road to romantic love for the main character Ted Mosby, but the funniest parts of any episode are the hilarious one-liners and bold proclamations made by Suited-up Barney. He's such a Dooche but he always gets the girl and he's so fekkin' funny.

Instead of saying "Hi Five!" he yells "Up Top!" which has become the new catch phrase in our wee house.  And of course his favourite saying "Legen....wait for it....Dary!".

Here's one of my favourite quotes from the show, of course uttered by The Barn-Dog!

Getting defensive about his potential love for Robin: “You know who is confused? Bimbos. They’re easily confused. It’s one of the thousand little things I love about them. I love their vacant, trusting stares; their sluggish, unencumbered minds; their unresolved daddy issues. I love them Lily, and they love me. Bimbos have always been there for me, through thick and thin—mostly thin. B-man don’t do thick crust, what up!”

 And here's some other random crap that men do

I would have some seriously sterns words to say if this was my living room.

Rudolf the Redhead Reindeer

Ran outta petrol, Plonker?

At least he's making cake

Remember to come back on Friday for a wee lookie at my new feature that I'm starting called Friday Featured Follower.  If you want to be one of my featured followers email me info@redpepa.za.net.
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